
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Calm Before The Storm

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

“I think I’ve got stomach cramps,” Alex grumbled.
Len laughed. Alex always knew how to lighten the mood. “Just lie down and relax.”
Alex’s disgruntled voice came from somewhere in the back of the van. “Easy for you to say.”
“Is everyone alright back there?” Corinne called as the car jittered about. “We didn’t forget anyone, did we?” Her voice let on to the fear she was feeling but she was outwardly calm as ever.
Tyler reached up and pulled open the little window hatch between the driver’s compartment and the back of the truck, allowing some light to spill in to the dim compartment. “Do you think you could drive a bit smoother?”

Len looked around at everyone. Taran was sat in the corner, with his knees tucked into his chest and Rori and Aleena were just barely visible on the floor. Alex was lay at his feet and Zalyea opposite. “Are you even driving on a road, Corinne?” Len asked.
“Not quite,” Corinne called back. “I’m taking the scenic route.”
“Some scenery,” Alex said, rubbing his stomach. “All I can see is black.”
“Then get out and walk,” Corinne joked. “When are we due at the drop off location?”
Tyler placed Aleena’s gun carefully back into her bag. “Half five, I believe.”
“Yo, it’s three now,” Zalyea called, the dim light of her Digivice lighting up her face. “Hey, Gaimon’s looking better.”

* * *

Alex looked up at the dark roof and thought back to the last time he had been in a vehicle for so long. It had been the time his family took him to New Zealand for paragliding. That’s when he had first met a Digimon. Out while he was exploring in the woodlands, he had felt his hairs stand on end while climbing up to a cave at the precipice of a waterfall. All he remembered was that it was a huge bird, bigger than any he had seen. Red-brown feathers covered its body and it was asking for help but when he had gotten close it was sucked back into nothingness. Back then, he hadn’t known it was a Digimon. But now he did.

Lifting his Digivice from the pocket of his jeans, he looked at the little green D, which signified Felismon was still recovering. He couldn’t help but feel guilty for using something like that Energy Shroud. When they had first met, that little black cat hated him and he would have done anything to get back at her for the numerous scars he now had but these days he noticed that she had changed somewhat. Hurting her now was like hurting a part of him. And then he forgot all about it. “I’m hungry.”
“How can you be hungry after all that food, fool?” Zalyea snapped.
Alex rubbed his stomach. “I just am.”

As the car bumped about Alex found his stomach churning. Getting onto his knees, he prepared to throw up.
“Motion sickness is so unattractive.” Zalyea laughed loudly.
“Shut up,” Alex blurted, trying to gulp in air to prevent the nausea. His head spun about and he struggled to see straight.
“I wonder if we stand the fool up, if he’ll fall over.” Zalyea began to howl with laughter but no one else joined in.

The van shuddered violently.
“Sorry, the ground’s pretty bad up ahead,” Corinne called back.
“Why don’t we have windows?” Alex whined, trying to keep himself upright. If he was at least able to see outside or get some fresh air that would help for sure.
“How are we doing for time?” Tyler asked sleepily.
“We’re nearly there and we’ve still got a couple hours,” Len said, the bright glow of the E-Map illuminating the back compartment.

“Remember when Alex threw up while we were in Japan?” Corinne called back to the group.
“Yeah, I do,” Alex moaned. He couldn’t believe she had brought that up but he was doing everything in his power to not throw up right now and had no energy to stop the teasing that would inevitably follow.
“Chunks were everywhere,” Corinne said, laughing.
“Back when we fought Myotismon, right?” Len said, chuckling.
Zalyea grumbled, “That fool was annoying.”
“But sans his involvement, we wouldn’t possess Champion Digimon,” said Tyler, looking down at his Digivice fondly.

Alex nearly flew into the air as they went over a massive bump and he was sure his stomach actually had flown into the air, leaving him behind. “Corinne, I’m sure you’re doing this on purpose!”
“Would I ever?” Corinne said with mock shock. “I remember you guys’ teamwork sucked.”
“I believe your own teamwork was also lacking, Cori,” Tyler retorted.
“Well at least I tried,” Corinne mumbled and then they flew over another bump.
“Tried and failed.” Alex laughed briefly before the nausea reminded him why he was keeled over.
“Butt out, Shorty,” Corinne snapped. Everyone started laughing as Alex gagged.

“Hey, maybe some respite from this cooped up van would be best right now?” Tyler said, looking at Alex. “I’m not certain he can take much more and we’re doing exceptionally for time.” Thank god someone finally said it!
“Sounds good, I’ll pull over.” The van slowed down, the bumps becoming gentler as they drove over them. Alex felt extreme relief and the birds that were running around his head began to fly away.
“Yo, we got any food?” Zalyea asked. “I didn’t finish back there.” And yet, he was the pig!
“Strangely enough, we were more preoccupied with our egress, Zalyea,” Tyler said, sighing.
“Just a question.” Zalyea shrugged. “A shake or something even, I mean, I’m not asking for the earth.”
Len laughed. “I love you, Zalyea.”
“Shut up, fool. You admire me, it’s diff’rent.”

As they stopped, Alex leapt out onto the dirt track, gulping in the fresh air and leaning against a tall tree. “I’m gonna need a minute!”
“As long as you don’t throw up on me, you can have an hour,” Len said as he climbed out and stretched his arms. It was still dark out here but much brighter than the back of the van.
“Just remember we can’t spend too long, guys,” Corinne announced as she got out of the white van and walked around. Branches snapped between her feet and then she came to a stop, leaning against the dirty metal side of the van. Her blonde hair still seemed almost untouched despite all that had gone on and hung down against the mud-stained van.
“We know,” everyone chorused as they took in their surroundings. A few sparse bushes were around but little animal or plant life other than them was about. The ground was muddy but mostly dry and the trees that reached into the heavens, as if to touch the clouds, had few leaves at this time of year.

Corinne sighed, rolling her deep blue eyes, and said, “You don’t need to make me feel like your mother, guys, but someone has to make sure we stick to a schedule.”
“It’s cold,” Zalyea grumbled, zipping up her pink jacket.
“You should’ve bought a real jacket and not be wearing a crop top in winter,” Corinne chided, looking at the little bit of the green top that poked out of Zalyea’s tiny pink jacket with disdain. The jacket only just covered her chest so there was little use in zipping it up.
“Whatever, mum,” Zalyea said, walking over to a fallen tree and slumping down onto it.
Corinne rubbed her temples. “Breathe, Corinne,” she whispered to herself.
“You’re doing great, Cori,” Tyler said, smiling at her.
Corinne blushed slightly and then walked over to Alex, patting him on the back.

A minute or two later when his stomach finally settled, Alex joined the others where they had gathered on a fallen tree nearby. “So, what’s up?”
“Taran still won’t come out,” Corinne said, checking her fuchsia pink phone. “And there’s no signal.” She waved the phone as if it prove it and then slid it away into her pocket.
Alex rolled his eyes. “You guys just aren’t doing it right. Lemme try!”
“The idiot is going to try, eh, Gaimon?” Zalyea said, laughing.
Alex scowled. Zalyea knew how to press every single button he had.
“She’s still recuperating, Zalyea,” Tyler said, looking around at the forest with his wide blue-grey eyes. “It’s quite unsanitary out here, isn’t it?”
“It’s a forest, Ty,” Len said, allowing a small bug to crawl over his freckled hand.
“Kill that or I’ll kill you,” Tyler said, narrowing his bushy eyebrows.

Alex laughed as he heard Tyler and Len arguing behind him while he walked over to the back of the van. “Hey, Taran?”
No response.
“Taran?” He climbed in and withdrew his phone, hitting the torch function.
Taran was sat with his head in his knees, arms wrapped tightly around them, in the corner of the van. The two girls were strewn across the floor and sleeping peacefully. Rori had been knocked out and hadn’t come round yet but Len assured them it’s probably also partly due to exhaustion like with Aleena.

“Taran, buddy, come out and join us?” Alex crawled across the floor.
Taran sniffed. “Don’ wanna.”
“Come on, it’ll be fun!” Alex chirped, climbing carefully over Aleena. The phrase let sleeping dogs lie definitely applied to her. Although, she was a lot hotter than a dog. His mind wandered briefly onto Aleena’s body before he remembered why he was there. “What if we play tag?”
Looking up slightly, so one shiny brown eye was visible through his mussed up brown curls, he said, “Tag?”
Alex grinned. “I’m it, you know. So you might wanna get moving before I…” Alex moved closer, reaching out. “Get you!” Alex grasped at the air.  
Taran screamed, laughing, and ran past Alex to jump out of the van.

Alex grinned and jogged off after him. He had missed stuff like this being an only child so even though he hated kids, this was kind of fun. He flicked off the torch on his silver phone but paused when he saw the screen fizzing. “Taran, wait up!” he called as the little boy ran through the sparse forest.
Taran stopped and stuck out his tongue, twiddling his hands by his head. “Nuh uh, you’re just trying to trick me!”
Then to the right Alex spotted something. “TARAN!” Alex sprinted through the trees as the little boy stared back in shock.
CRASH! The trees clattered all over like dominoes as Alex leapt towards the brunet.

Grabbing onto Taran just before whatever it was reached him, Alex kept running as he heard the others shouting from a distance. They had obviously heard the crash.
“I’m scared!” Taran screamed.
Alex held the little boy close to his chest and looked back, withdrawing his Digivice. He looked at the strange creature that had destroyed the trees and crash landed right where Taran had been stood. He watched it carefully, noticing the little twinges that showed life. The burgundy feathers flickered slightly and the blue feet twitched. “Stay here until the others get here.” Alex let go of Taran and walked slowly towards it.

Looking down at Felismon in his Digivice, he kept his finger on the release. She would still be able to fight if she had to. Felismon was tough. “Hello?” he called.
The beast’s big black talons scraped at the ground and the avian groaned. It mumbled something and then its white head raised slowly, the broken branches that were previously perched on it rolled off and onto the ground.
Alex spotted the big black horns protruding from the top of its head and froze in his steps. This thing was not only huge, it could do some serious damage. His hand quivered, the finger on the release button tapping it too gently to activate it just yet. “Hello? Are you there?”

His Digivice buzzed as he looked at Felismon and data sprawled across the screen.

Aquilamon, Champion level, Data, Wind Guardians.
This Great Eagle of the Desert won’t hesitate to blast you away with its Blast Rings attack.

There was something familiar about this Digimon though. He flicked on the torch on his phone and then it became quickly apparent. It was the same one from New Zealand all that time ago, with that same big black mark on its right wing, like a scorch mark. “Do you…?” Alex paused. This was stupid. “Do you remember me?”
“You…” Aquilamon’s yellow beak was scarred and its piercing blue eyes betrayed the great lifespan it had endured. “Are a chosen child.”
“You’re chosen?” Taran said. “For what?”
Alex spun. “I told you to stay back!” he snapped.
Taran frowned, stamping his foot. “But I thought I heard you say to come over. Why are you lying? That’s mean!”
Alex sighed. He wasn’t sure if Taran was hearing things or not but he had to know why this Digimon had appeared all that time ago. “A long time ago, you came out into this world and you asked me for help but you disappeared before I could talk to you. I need to know; why?”

Aquilamon slowly lifted its body up to a resting position, displacing the leaves that were matted into its plumage. Its feathers were tattered and the deep scars across its body were evident of a life pitted with battles. “You are the same child from then?” Aquilamon smirked. “I see; this is fate.”
“Al, what’s going on?” Corinne called from a distance. “We’re coming!”
“Wait!” Alex yelled. And then he turned to Aquilamon. “Please, tell me.”

Aquilamon checked its wings carefully, preening them briefly with its beak. “Are you aware that there are some who came before you?”
“I know I’m not the first human to have a Digivice, if that’s what you mean?”
Aquilamon slowly shook its head, tucking the wings into its body. “A long time before you, there was a crisis in my world—the digital world—and only five children were able to stop it.”
“What does this have to do with you asking for help?”
“Patience!” The huge bird Digimon snapped. “I’m sure your history books will tell of a time where there was a war on those chosen to bond with Digimon and that afterwards the great peace we had known fell asunder.”
“Are you on about the Kamiya War? But that was because those eleven people were terrorists and were using their Digimon to kill others.”

Aquilamon laughed loud and hard. “Yolei couldn’t kill even when her life was put at risk. And as for the others, I know they are also free from bloodshed. Chosen children are so chosen because of their pure hearts. The bond you make with a Digimon is made primarily through that purity.” Aquilamon shifted, the white feathers at the edges of its wings fluttering in a gentle breeze that passed through the trees. “Back to the matter at hand, the reason my partner and her friends were chosen was because of a crisis in my world. There is a similar crisis now and that is why we need help. Sadly, those eleven are not all around anymore and us Digimon are now relics of the past.” Aquilamon lifted its right wing, holding out the scorch mark on it. “My body is no longer capable of fighting many.” And then it looked down at the marks across its body before resting that ancient gaze back onto Alex. “But, you and your partner can help.”

“It’s here.” Aquilamon glanced around and saw a Digital Portal slowly coming towards her. “When I am dragged back, the distortion caused will make the connection briefly strong enough for you to speak to them. To the originals. Please take this chance and help us. You are the only ones who can.”
“Alex!” The others yelled as they clambered over the trees.
Alex looked back at the big bird, stepping towards Aquilamon. “Wait, what’s the crisis?”
Aquilamon smiled as the portal sucked her in. “Use this chance.” And then she and the portal were gone in their entirety, leaving nothing but a stream of crushed bark and leaves behind.  

Corinne ran up to him, stopping sharply in front of him with a stern expression that quickly softened. “Alex, what happened? Are you okay?” She looked down at Taran and grabbed hold of the boy, checking him over. “You brought him towards some crazy Digimon attack!?”
Alex pulled out his Digivice and hit the Disguise button, turning it into a red phone. “Just be quiet.”
“Alex, this was serious!” Corinne yelled. She stood up, pointing her finger at him accusingly. “You or Taran could have gotten hurt!”
“I got hurt?” Taran said, looking up and frowning.
Corinne shook her head and looked back at him, her delicate features becoming soft again. “No, sweetie, it’s fine.”

“Al, what happened?” Tyler asked, out of breath as he stopped. He doubled over, placing his hands on his dark brown shorts and looked up through the dyed red curtains of hair that hung in front of his eyes.
“Yo, what’d you do?” Zalyea said, laughing as she reached them. “I wish Gaimon could see how stupid you look now, she’d laugh so hard.” Puffing out air, she laughed again.
Alex hit the call button but nothing happened. He didn’t have long if what Aquilamon said was true. “Just help me!” he snapped.

Len walked over calmly and placed a comforting hand on Alex’s arm. “How can we help?” Len always found a way to be there when he was needed.
Alex growled. “I need to call someone and it isn’t working!” He raised his arm to throw the Digivice but stopped himself when he thought about losing Felismon.
“There’s no signal, idiot,” Zalyea said, snickering.
“I know that!” He shot her a fierce look. His patience was all but gone with her.
Tyler stood up, still panting, and took the Digivice. “Whom is it you are calling?”
“I don’t know!” Alex yelled, distressed.
“Then how can we help you?” Corinne said, sighing. “Don’t cry wolf, Alex. It’s a childhood’s fable.”
Electing to ignore Corinne, he turned to Tyler. “Please, Ty. I think it’s important,” Alex said, grabbing the other boy’s arms firmly and looking him in his tired blue eyes. “Please.”

Tyler withdrew his own Digivice and hit the disguise button, turning it into a similar phone to Alex’s Digivice. He held the two together and began to tap buttons on both.
Alex watched him, terrified. He was running out of time. What on earth was Tyler doing!?
“There. That number doesn’t correlate with any of our Digivice codes so it must be new.” Tyler hit call and held it out to Alex.
Alex took it and grinned. “I could kiss you!”
“Please refrain,” Tyler said, holding up a hand. He looked to Corinne, confused, and she sighed.
Corinne placed her hands on her hips. “Well, what’s all the fuss about?”
Alex held it to his ear and it fizzed loudly and then clicked.

“Hello?” A female voice said. They sounded so old and definitely not attractive.
Another voice in the background. It sounded kind of male but it could just be an old bat who smoked a lot when she was young. “Aquilamon did it?”
“I’m not sure yet, Cody,” the first voice replied. So the one in the background was a guy. The female voice yelled into the phone, “Hey, you there!?”

Alex was stunned. “I— I’m here.”
“Put it on speaker,” Zalyea said, coming closer. She had now gave up on annoying him, how typical.
Taran looked up. “I wanna hear too!”
Alex hit the speaker button. “Aquilamon said to—”
“Shut up. We don’t have long.” The first female voice snapped. Well, she was direct at least. Alex had to admire that in a girl. “You have to get to the Digital World as soon as you can.”
“We are there frequently. What’s up?” Tyler asked. It was true. They had been almost every weekend since they had gotten their Digivices.
“Who’s that?”
“You’re on speaker with my friends,” Alex said.
“Well, that’s rude.” The voice whispered inaudibly and then came back to the phone. “We probably only have another ten seconds. I want you to know that we are alive and we need your help. Find Gen’nai; he can help. Our co-ordinates are 32, 64, 112. You have to—!” The phone cut off abruptly and they were all left in silence.

“Okay, I’m going to need an explanation,” Zalyea said, stepping back.
Tyler hit the transform button on his Digivice and pocketed it. “Al?”
Alex stared at the phone, wanting more. He needed an explanation. A reason! Turning it back into a Digivice, he sighed. “I’m not sure myself.” He looked at Corinne as she tapped on her phone. “Hey, cutie. You’re being rude!”
“I’m saving the co-ordinates to my phone,” she mumbled and then looked up. “Who was she, Al?”
“No need to be jealous,” Alex said, winking.
“Al, no time for jokes,” Len interjected.

“I think she was one of the original eleven who died in the Kamiya War.” Alex felt like an idiot saying it but there was no other explanation right now.
Everyone looked down, freezing. Corinne was the first to speak. “But, they’re dead.”
“This some spooky business. I don’t want nothin’ to do with it,” Zalyea said, throwing her hands up.
“I’m scared of ghosts.” Taran gripped Corinne tightly.
“A Digimon came through and said she was the partner of Yolei. Yolei Inoue is the exact name of one of them. I remember that for sure.”
Zalyea snorted and said, “Yo, you actually paid attention in history? What a snooze fest.”  
“He’s right, but it could just be a coincidence,” Len said, placing his hand on his chin and looking down. He was clearly deep in thought.  

Tyler shook his head. “Only two deaths were confirmed. Izzy Izumi and Tai Kamiya. Two others, Kari Kamiya and Sora Takenouchi have enough witnesses to also assume they died too. However, that leaves seven bodies unaccounted for. This is including Yolei Inoue.”
“No, I was taught they were all buried in disgrace, Ty.” Corinne sighed. “You must be thinking of someone else.”
Tyler shook his head. “You are all aware I sometimes hack computers. A while back, when I was just a neophyte hacker, a friend of mine set me a challenge to breach a government database for a sizable monetary compensation. It was just before the Japan trip and we really needed money so I made a solid attempt and encountered files pertaining to the Kamiya War.”

Alex felt a little uncertain about hearing this. And he really wanted to get on and help whoever it was while they could. All his life, he was sure there was something important he had to do and maybe this was it.
Tyler gazed around at them awkwardly. What he was admitting to was high treason, as well as numerous other offences, and he seemed uncomfortable about sharing it with them. “Well, the official files only include four death certificates. There’s also reports of several attempts to find the others before they were announced as dead.” Tyler sighed. “I say friend, but they’re a hacking acquaintance. I’ve never met them in person or even heard their voice before, and shortly after this first trial they set me another challenge but with no reward. So, initially, I was reluctant but after the first batch, I was curious and I found a few files on the Valiant War although lots of them were inaccessible.”
“Tyler, get to the point!” Zalyea yelled, sighing. “We ain’t got all day.”
Tyler nodded. “In the Valiant War, only five Digimon partners of the chosen eleven were confirmed to have died. Agumon, Gabumon, Gomamon, Tentomon and Patamon.” Tyler paused. “The amount of variables here is immeasurable but there is room for some uncertainty as to the biased history we have been taught. After all, history is not written by the losers.”

Alex looked at him, contorting his face as he tried to work out what to think or say. “So you’re saying there’s a chance?”
Tyler nodded. “There’s a possibility that was the Yolei Inoue and that she needs our assistance.”
Alex grinned. This was it! “So, let’s help her. We have the co-ordinates and we can go now—”
“Alex…” Corinne said slowly, reaching out to touch him.
He spun to look at her. “If we help them, then we’ll finally do what we were meant to do. No more playing about! I knew we got these Digivices for a reason!”
“Alex, we have to take Taran home. We already have our orders.” Tyler shoved his hands into his brown shorts. “There’s nothing further we can do.”

Alex clenched his fists. This wasn’t fair. “But this is more important!”
“Alex, we don’t even know if this is real!” Corinne yelled.
“Alex, she’s right,” Ty added. “We must remain realistic and fulfil our promise. Taran is just a child. He should go home. And what about Aleena and Rori? Do we just leave them alone while we go to the Digital World?”
Alex growled and tugged at his hair. They didn’t get it! “No, this isn’t right! If we wait then we’ll miss our chance! What if they can explain why all that bad stuff in the past happened and make it right? Then we can have our Digimon with us all the time!”
Tyler sighed. “Alex, I understand you’re upset but—”
“No, you don’t!” Tyler never understood him. All he did was boss them about. “Those are your orders! I want to do this!”
“Alexander! Listen to me: we are not doing what you want!” Tyler yelled, locking eyes with him.

And then Alex saw a flash of red and he was stood above Tyler. His blood was pumping and his fist was wet. The blood pounded against his head like a steel drum and he felt dizzy. Everyone was yelling but he couldn’t make it out.
Tyler looked at him, touching his cheek while blood dribbled down his chin from the bust lip. Had someone hit him? Then Alex realised. The way Tyler was looking at him. That look of fear and anger. It had been Alex that had punched him.
Corinne came in front of him, yelling, and pushing him but he couldn’t make any of it out and then all that blood seemed to disappear and he felt himself falling.

* * *

“I miss my mummy,” Taran whispered, his eyes watering.
Len looked over at Alex as Corinne checked him over and then back at Tyler. “It doesn’t look too bad,” he muttered, looking at the bleeding lip carefully. “Zalyea, can you go get the first aid kit from the van?”
Zalyea grumbled, “Ima knock him back out when he wakes back up.”
“Zalyea,” Len repeated firmly.
Zalyea sighed. “On my way.” Running off, she left them alone.

“Tyler, you shouldn’t goad him like that. You know he has a short fuse.” Len withdrew a tissue from his pocket and tapped Tyler’s lip as he winced.
“You’re right. I deserved it.” Tyler shook his head. “Maybe we could complete his thing expeditiously?”
Len shook his head. “Even with hoping the time in the Digital World is still at an abundance compared to here, we wouldn’t have time.” Tyler had a habit of always talking himself down. In truth, he had never truly wanted to be their leader or believed in himself since he had become it. “We’ll get you cleaned up and get back on the road and I’m sure Al will apologise.”

Len held out the tissue to Tyler, who took it gratefully. “How is he, Cori?” Len called, standing up.
“The idiot is fine. Help me carry him back, Len.” Corinne stood up and rubbed her head. “This trip is giving me such a headache. I’ll be glad when it’s over.”
Taran began to cry and Len could see Corinne, despite her kindness and patience, was close to snapping. It was probably in a large part due to how little sleep she had actually had.

Len walked over and placed his fingers on Taran’s nose. He pulled his hand away and kept his thumb poking out between his knuckles. “I got your nose.”
Taran shook his head, crying. “I’m not stupid!”
“I know you’re not. You probably just need to hear what I’m saying.” Len reached behind Taran’s ear and then withdrew a coin. “I think if we take this out then that’ll probably help, what do you think?”
Taran looked at him slowly, sniffling.
Len held out the coin, grinning. It was nice to do something like this. It reminded him of Sorall and Aiko.
Taran grabbed the coin, a grin spreading across his little chubby face. “Can I keep it?” He looked at Len with his eyes wide.
Len laughed and ruffled his hair. “Sure.” Standing up, he held out his hand for Taran to hold. “Come on, let’s go back with the others.”

Len walked over to Alex, Taran in tow and helped Corinne lift him, one arm on each of their shoulders’ and then they began to walk back. “Ty, come on,” Len called.
Tyler stood up, dabbing his lip and looking at the tissue. “Coming.”

As they got back, Zalyea was sat on the ground with the first aid kit sprawled out on the ground in front of her. “I’m fixing it!” she yelled, shoving it all back into the box.
Len snickered. She was his closest friend and yet she always managed to surprise him. “It’s fine. Ty’s okay. Right, Ty?”
Tyler nodded, lifting the tissue away from his lip, which had almost stopped bleeding. “I’ll survive.” He kept walking towards the back of the truck. “Let’s get a move on or we’ll be late.”
“Just put it back in the truck, Zalyea,” Len said, carrying Alex after Tyler with Corinne.

Everyone bundled into the back until just Corinne and Len were stood outside. Corinne looked to him, yawning. “You getting in?”
Stretching, Len saw the bags under Corinne’s droopy eyelids. “It’s just a short drive now, right?”
Corrine nodded, yawning. “Yeah, I just need two minutes to sleep then we can…” Her eyes closed and she slumped down against the truck, breathing lightly as a smile spread across her face.
“Len, you drive.” Tyler clambered out of the truck and lifted Corinne back in with him. “It’ll be fine for a little while anyway.”

Len climbed into the driver’s compartment and peered over his shoulder at everyone. “We’re setting off again.”
“Yo, we only stopped for a minute,” Zalyea grumbled.
“Zalyea,” Tyler said tiredly.
“Whatever,” Zalyea replied.
Len nodded and started to drive.

Eventually, he pulled onto the road and started to look for other cars but the roads around Sabhailte were still deserted after Lobo and Raposo’s fight. No one wanted to come here now and those that lived there were presumably still in the evacuation camps while the city was repaired. Len was glad of how quiet it was; he mostly only knew how to drive in theory, with his only practice a smattering of times while with The Resistance in similar situations.
Zalyea didn’t wait long before speaking again, seeming to be full of energy. “Hey, Ty, you been quiet.”
“I’m pondering the status of Raposo—the frequency of the times I reimagine the events hasn’t led me to working out the causation between them.”

Len was no longer able to hold in the burning question on his mind and now Aleena, Talmon, Rori and Taran were asleep, he was sure it was safe to ask it. “Are we sure that having the ex-RODAF members on our team is beneficial?”
“Len, what’s troubling you?” asked Tyler.
“I believe the trouble they might cause might be more than we can handle.” Len felt incredibly guilty saying it out loud but it was beginning to niggle away at him, and that was the last thing he needed. “In the short time we’ve known them, we’ve had someone fight for us and die, because of them. I’m not sure I want more deaths on my conscience.” He breathed out and then bit his lip as he waited with abated breath for the reply.

“We will endeavour to increase our strength, then, Len,” Tyler said. “Would you mind speeding up? I’d rather not be late.”
“Yeah, sure,” Len said, not noticing that he was going so slowly. With no other cars around, there was no reason to curb his speed so he stamped his foot down onto the accelerator.

And then Len felt the hard leather of the steering wheel against his head and the hot blood that trickled down.
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